Konnadi Dhatnubia

Bethany Renner

Ms. Bethany Renner works from the Dayton, OH Headquarters, having joined RLS & Associates, Inc. after years of work in charitable giving, community outreach, and project management. Bethany will initially be working as an Associate for the Illinois Department of Transportation. Some of her duties will include processing invoices and answering technical assistance questions.

Bethany Renner earned a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education, specializing in teaching students with special needs from the University of Dayton. While working on this degree she participated in a trans-disciplinary and experiential-based program called the River Stewards. The program focused on developing leadership capacity in undergraduate students and civic engagement skills centered around Dayton, Ohio’s local rivers and water resources.

She earned a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and a Certificate in Non-profit and Community Leadership as a Graduate Assistant for the University of Dayton’s Rivers Institute. Bethany gained experience in creating asset-based strategies and community-oriented solutions to civic needs.

Bethany currently serves as a Board Member for the Greater Dayton YMCA’s Childcare Services Branch and is a past member of the Women’s Leadership Collaborative of Greater Dayton.

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