Our Firm

Established in 1987, RLS & Associates, Inc. (RLS) is a woman-owned business that provides training, technical assistance, and transportation management and operations consulting services to small, medium, and large public transit systems, federal and state departments of transportation, government agencies, and paratransit operators throughout the United States. With large urban transit system experience followed by several years of experience at major national transit consulting firms, Robbie Sarles moved to Ohio and created a business model dedicated to upholding high standards of honesty, integrity, and professionalism. Now, over thirty-six years since its conception, RLS prides itself on its continuous dedication to those same standards.

The company’s primary work objective is assisting local communities, governmental entities, transportation providers, and human service agencies with transportation-related issues. As a result, RLS has developed a nationally recognized reputation within the transportation industry for responding to clients’ individual needs and offering pragmatic, implementable solutions to the critical issues facing today’s transportation systems. RLS prides itself on products that, rather than “sit on a shelf,” have been developed in such a way as to guide and direct transit leaders for years to come.

Awards & Recognition

Train the Trainer Testimonial

Congratulations to Vicky Warner for receiving a glowing review of her “Train the Trainer” session from Needham Council on Aging Program Coordinator, Stephan Grably.
“Ms. Warner’s knowledge is beyond extensive, runs deep and is on point […] Not only her technical and legal knowledge is extensive, but her philosophy, viewpoints and work ethics are to be listened to very carefully. Furthermore, Ms. Warner has an innovative mind and is quick to assess real-life situations and provide carefully thought suggestions, backed up by either experience or hard facts. Thanks to Ms. Warner, I am confident that I can now train my drivers to a level of excellence that I could not have achieved before, to the benefit and safety of my clients as well as my organization, not to mention being able to provide my own Town department director and board of directors with an extremely valuable advice, guidance and recommendations.”


National RTAP Testimonial

“Robbie has extremely good knowledge of this (Fitness for Duty) subject and is an excellent presenter. I like that she separated actual regulations from best practices and explained why they were good practices.”


Indiana RTAP Program

The Indiana RTAP Program was recognized by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) as an Outstanding State RTAP Program. Indiana RTAP is operated by RLS & Associates, Inc. staff in the RLS Columbus, Indiana office on behalf of the Indiana DOT.

Finalist for 2016 Dayton Better Business Bureau Eclipse Integrity Award

Finalist for 2016 Dayton Better Business Bureau Eclipse Integrity Award

RLS’ breadth of clients and service areas set it apart from other firms. Past and current clients include small, medium, and large public transit systems, in both urban and rural areas across the country. In addition, RLS specializes in providing technical assistance to federal and state departments of transportation, local government agencies, and paratransit systems.

RLS has a full complement of transit planners, compliance specialists, trainers, and Geographic Information System (GIS) technicians, supplemented by other associated contractors who regularly perform work for the company. The RLS home office is located in Dayton, Ohio, with professional staff in Ohio, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Illinois, North Carolina, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia, as well as other locations throughout the United States.

Its diverse work and clientele make RLS & Associates, Inc. uniquely able to “Move Public Transportation Into the Future.”

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3131 S. Dixie Drive, Suite 545, Dayton, Ohio 45439

Contact us for more information about RLS & Associates, Inc., including our full qualifications, project descriptions, resumes, and references.

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