05 Aug 2022
09:00 AM
Indiana RTAP Transit Training Center , Columbus
This training module requires that participants meet a prerequisite to qualify for the course. The criteria for the prerequisites include the following:
Operators that meet these criteria are qualified to register for the Veteran PAT training program, which will be located at the Indiana RTAP Transit Training Center located at 811 Lindsey St. Columbus, IN 47201.
Operators that register for this training will receive a lift operations overview and demonstration, and a securement procedures and techniques overview and demonstration before completing their performance evaluation. Operators that fail the performance evaluation conducted as a part of the Veteran PAT will not be provided another test-out option and will have to complete a full PAT training to receive certification.
A copy of the performance evaluation will be provided to the transportation agency with a certificate of completion for the Veteran PAT program. This program certifies an operator for two years at which point continuing Veteran PAT program physical assessments must be successfully completed every two years.
The training will include a brief 10 slide presentation providing an overview of the lift operations and securement procedures/techniques. Following the presentation, demonstrations will be provided and each operator will complete their performance evaluations.
Dates for this training option will be added to the calendar within the next week and, as previously noted, the prerequisite requirements must be met by providing the completed form with copies of certificates to secure the registration slot. Failure to provide this documentation one week prior to the training will result in the slot being offered to another participant.
While there is no formal dress code, we ask that you dress appropriately for the weather. Closed-toe shoes are required. Some tasks will be performed outside (rain, snow, sleet, etc.)